Remote Pairs

The Remote Pairs technique uses a XY-Chain involving an even number of bivalue cells, and all the cells have the same two digits as their candidate. Both digits may be eliminated from any cell that is seen by both ends of the chain.

In practice, Remote Pairs is rarely seen. However, when encountered, Remote Pairs is far more obvious than the typical XY-Chain, and possibly more obvious than a X-Chain or XY-Wing.


This example comes from a possible solving path for Daily Nightmare of 2007 January 9.

Remote Pairs , How to solve sudoku puzzles - Solving sudoku strategy

A chain of bivalue cells containing the candidates 2 and 7 can be identified: r5c3 - r1c3 - r3c2 - r3c9. This results in the elimination of 7 from r5c9.

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